Site Docente
Departamento de Computação







 Department of  Computing
 Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás

Av. Universitária 1.440, Setor Universitário,
Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, 74605-010.

+55 62 3946-1381

[email protected]  


   Brief Bio


Professor Talles Barbosa is a full-time  professor in the Department of Computing at Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC Goiás) since 2001. He received a B.S. degree in Computer Science from PUC Goiás in 1999 and M.S. in Systems and Computing from Military Institute of Engineering in 2002 and Sc.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Brasilia in 2008. His current research interests lie in the area of Embedded Systems, including Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing. Professor Barbosa is founder of the Biomedical Engineering and Embedded Systems Group (BESt Group) at PUC Goiás.

Full Curriculum Vitae - Lattes Platform (in Portuguese)



   Selected Publications and Talks 


PUC Acontece, PUCTV, Interview (in Portuguese), 2016 <VIDEO>


A Mobile Context-Aware System to Support People with the Retinitis Pigmentosa Disease. International Journal of Applied Information Systems, v. 9, p. 7-14, 2015. <PDF>


Affective Crowdsourcing Applied to Usability Testing. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, v. 5, p. 575-579 I.F.:2,93, 2014. <PDF>


Emopad: An Affective Gamepad. International Journal of Computer Applications, v. 102, p. 5-12, 2014. <PDF>


Affective Embedded Systems: a Requirement Engineering Approach. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), v. 8, p. 70-75, 2014. <PDF>


 Including Affectivity Requirements in Embedded Systems. In: IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2013), 2013, Orlando-FL. <PDF>


Building Distributed Soft Sensors. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, v. 3, p. 202-209, 2011. <PDF> - most cited (Google Scholar)


 A body sensor network with programming support. Research on Biomedical Engineering, v.23, issue 3, 2007. <PDF>.



   Current Projects and Research Themes








Body Sensor Networks (BSN) and Autonomic Sensing:  Fault Detection and Self-Healing; Routing and Self-Organization; Ambient Sensing Environments Integration; Smart Compilers and Domain-oriented Operating Systems. 



Our BSN Simulator called Rachael



Affective and Cognitive Systems: Affective Analysis and Specification; Embedded Systems Design Methodologies and  Microcontroller Programming Design







 Sensing Technologies and User Interfaces: Non-contact and Touch-free Sensing Technologies; Wearable User Interfaces; Context-aware Sensing; Embedded Parallel Processing Methods and Technologies.





LIBRAS Translator  <MOVIE>





Emopad - Affective Gamepad at Campus Party 2015 <MOVIE>




ELVis: enhanced for limited vision system <MOVIE>





    Undergraduate Student Projects (2004-2010) 

*In Portuguese







1 - Robô que procura por focos de incêndio

2 - Robô para procura do mosquito da dengue

3 - Robô agrimensor

4 - Robô para teste de heurísticas relacionadas ao Car Parking Problem

5 - Robô organizador de estoque

6 - Robô cão de guarda residencial












 Uma Plataforma Robótica Bípede Reconfigurável para o Ensino da Computação (2009)

Alunos: Bernardo e Itamar - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2










Estudo da Aplicação de Redes Neurais em Redes de Sensores para a Construção de Appliances  (2009)

Alunos: Symone e Manuel - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2












Uma Arquitetura de Software Reconfigurável Baseada em Aspectos  para Aplicações em Robótica Móvel (2009)

Alunos: Vitor e Helena - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2


Um Sistema de Software para Teleoperação de Robôs Móveis com Capacidade de Aprendizagem de Caminhos (2009)

Alunos: Gean e Vinícius - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2

Vídeo 1:

Vídeo 2:










Reuso de Telefone Celular para a Construção de Novas Aplicações (2009)

Alunos: Willian e Thiago Gonçalves - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2











Um Robô Assistente para Observação em Ambinetes Restritivos (2009)

Alunos: Thiago Gonçalves - Engenharia da Computação 2009/2











Corrida de robôs autônomos - Trabalho Final da disciplina de Interfaces de Hardware e Software -  turma 2009/1


















Uma rede de sensores para o monitoramento da saúde humana (2006-2007) 

Alunos: Túlio, Eliel, Janaina e Helóide - Engenharia da Computação

Alunos: Kátia, Paula e Daniel  - Ciência da Computação 








Um sistema inteligente para coleta de sintomas utilizando dispositivos móveis (2004-2005)

Aluno: Alexandre Bellezi  - Ciência da Computação 





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